Our education excellence crossing borders

In four decades of trajectory building a reference name in the private education of health sciences, we have expanded our operations to more than 10 countries maintaining our excellence in teaching quality and structure.



Durante o curso, o nosso aluno poderá realizar intercâmbio na nossa matriz, em Portugal.

Além disso, ao finalizar o seu curso, poderá optar pela revalidação do seu diploma brasileiro, desenvolvendo uma formação complementar para adquirir o título português, reconhecido em toda a comunidade europeia.

Where are we

We spread knowledge overcoming geographic barriers providing an ideal environment for academic mobility.


Université de Lille 2 founded in 1982, became the pioneer institution in the use of simulation models in the teaching of dentistry.


University of Barcelona, in operation since 1993. Participated in the IUCS Integrated Masters in Medicine project.


Free University of Brussels, founded in 2008, has a degree and postgraduate program in Osteopathy.


Faculdade CESPU Europa started in 2020, offers the benefit of Double Degree in its undergraduate and graduate degrees


The Instituto Superior Politécnico de Benguela was founded in 2007, it has 13 degrees including the areas of Engineering, Education and Management.


The Private University of Marrakech was founded in 2013, it has a total of 4 degrees: Nursing, Biomedical Sciences, Physiotherapy and Medicine.

Também temos parcerias com insituições ao redor do mundo

Wide Opportunities

With the high demand for health professionals and the growth of the sector in the post-pandemic period, the European continent offers a range of opportunities with its inverted age pyramid where the older population ends up being the majority, a public that needs more medical care.

Access to unprecedented technologies

Providing a comprehensive exchange of knowledge, seizing the opportunity to study abroad, in addition to being an enriching point of the curriculum, also allows you to experience new technologies in countries with great technological development in the health area.

Our Advantages

Experience abroad

We provide an easy experience for our students to enrich their curricula with experience abroad and thus acquire a differential for their performance in the area.

International mobility

Opportunity to enrich your repertoire with an exchange experience between our campuses in Europe sharing technical and cultural knowledge.

Specialized laboratories

Our laboratories are equipped to offer the best practical experience, contributing positively to the students’ development.

Best private college of health

We are classified as The Best Private Higher Education Institution in Portugal and 1st place overall in the University Innovation Ranking according to the SCImago Ranking

Instituição de ensino portuguesa mais inovadora no ranking SCImago

Somos classificados com o 1°lugar geral no Ranking de inovação Universitária segundo o Ranking SCImago, por dois anos consecutivos proporcionando aos nossos estudantes um espaço com tecnologia de ponta para construir inovação na área de saúde.
Saiba mais sobre a atuação da CESPU em Portugal
Dê o primeiro passo para o início da sua carreira
Vestibular disponível em breve